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Welcome Letter from Headmaster Washburn / Meet the Teacher Details

July 20, 2017 -

Dear Friends,
The summer monsoons arrived this week reminding use of the beauty of the desert’s morning and evening skies, the fresh smells of creosote after a thunderstorm, and the awe inspiring power of the natural world.   It is during this season of the year our teachers choose to train and prepare their own hearts and minds to lead our scholars in their pursuit of all that is true, good, and beautiful. The first day of school is fast approaching, and each one of us is looking forward to welcoming all of our scholars into their new classes and introducing them to their new teachers. 
Scholars are invited to join us for one of two special welcome events on August 3rd: “Kindergarten Welcome” or “Meet the Teacher.”
Kindergarten Welcome: Thursday, August 3rd from 9:00 – 10:00 AM
All of our kindergarten scholars and families are invited to the “Kinder Welcome.”   Scholars will meet their teacher and assistant teacher and spend time with them in their classroom as they listen to a story, have time to visit the playground, and enjoy refreshments.  Parents may bring in supplies on this day, requested by the kindergarten teachers through the summer packet.  If you purchased SchoolKidz supply boxes for your child, they will be in your child’s classroom.
 Parents will be able to ask questions, learn where to drop-off and pick-up their child, have opportunity for “first day of school” pictures, and feel the warm environment of care and learning their child will experience each and every day. 
Upon arriving on campus, families may park on the east or west side of the academy, with check-in located in the front lobby, as well as in the multi-purpose room (MPR). 
Scholars should be in full uniform for this special event.
Meet the Teacher 1st-5th Grade Open House: Thursday, August 3rd from 3:00 – 6:00PM
All first through fifth grade scholars are invited to meet their teachers during this special time.  Families may arrive at any point between 3:00 – 6:00PM.  During the open house, each scholar will receive a room assignment, walk to the classroom, meet his or her teacher, and leave any supplies with the classroom teacher that have been requested through the summer packet.  If you purchased SchoolKidz supply boxes for your child, they will be in your child’s classroom.
Parents have the opportunity to learn about our parent service organization (PSO) at our refreshment table, visit with representatives from our afterschool program, Athenaeum, and learn more about our extracurricular and lunch programs.   
Upon arriving at the open house, families may park in either of the two campus parking lots, which are located on the east and west of the buildings.  Gates will be open on both sides of the campus, with check-in located in the multi-purpose room (MPR). 
Scholars should be in full uniform for this special event. 
An email will go out to all of our families on August 2nd, which will let you know the name of your child’s teacher.  Please feel free to email or call the front office after July 24th with any questions.
It is with sincere gratitude that we serve the families of Archway Trivium East.  We work throughout the year to provide the best learning environment for our scholars to feel safe, welcome, and valued.  Each soul who enters our halls is seen as unique and of the greatest worth, and it is this value we place upon our students that causes us to work diligently to cultivate within them habits of virtue that will lead them into future happiness. 
We look forward to seeing you all very soon.
With Devotion,
Heather Washburn Headmaster
Archway Classical Academy | Trivium – East | 14130 W. McDowell Rd. Suite 222 | Goodyear, AZ, 85395 |
O: (623) 866-4718 |